Your brain is melleable

Your brain is melleable

The neuroplasticity of the brain

The growth of science and technology and mapping of brain functioning has grown more advanced than ever. Advanced technology can measure refined activation of specific areas of the brain as well as tell us specific growth areas of the brain.

It may seem obvious, but only recently, we have discovered that the brain is malleable. The neurological and physical structure of the brain can change. Our brain functioning has revealed neuroplasticity in its nature. That is to say the brain is not neurologically or physically fixed in structure. Techniques such meditation and cognitive therapies can be used to change the structure of the brain and its neurological make up.

Brain mapping has shown that meditation affects different areas of the brain and these are

pre-frontal cortex
anterior congulate cortex

How does meditation affect the brain – brain mapping has allowed researchers to pin point exact locations that meditation affects.

INCREASE IN POSITIVITY – it has been found that during a period of continuous eight weeks of meditation the left prefrontal cortex which correlates closely with the experience of positive emotions was activated greatly and helped dampen the negative emotions generated by the amygdala part of the brain.
INCREASED PAIN MANAGEMENT – it has been found that a meditator’s brain showed experience of less pain than a non-meditator’s brain. Meditation reduced activation in regions associated with pain and increased activation of the part of the brain regulating and reframing emotional intensity. A meditator’s brain registered less pain but processed the sensory experience in ways that made it more bearable.
INCREASED CONNECTIVITY – it has been found that meditation enhanced brain connectivity and slowed age related decline. Brain mapping of Meditators showed more growth of gray matters, strengthened and accelerated connectivity between different regions. Their brains also showed more age related atrophy. Meditators show to have more white matter fibres that is involved in brain connectivity that were more numerous, more dense, more insulated than non-meditators. These fibres declined slower when growing older.

So meditate and change your brain. Remember you are in Control!

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