Yoga Concepts- the quiet mind

Yoga Concepts- the quiet mind

Yoga concepts
In meditation we learn to quieten the mind. This essentially means a mind that is not disrupted by ongoing thoughts. A mind that is relaxed in its natural state.

A mind that is quiet is serene, better at focusing attention and anchored in the present moment.

Have you ever experienced a quiet mind?

What is your mind usually busy doing?

What are the advantages of a quiet mind?

One advantage is that you can actually live in the moment and enjoy your life without the mind constantly distracting you.

Meditation cultivates the mind: like a Gardner cultivating his garden. Constantly weeding, mowing the lawn, watering and feeding the plants means you can enjoy walking peacefully enjoying the beauty of the garden. Remember the effort of cultivating the garden has to be consistent so that you can continue to enjoy and be happy in your garden. If you stop gardening the weeds will appear and it will take a long time to clear it up again.

The passage demonstrates some destructive seeds of the mind if left to germinate and fed could turn to deadly weeds that can spread like ivy and be suffocating.
Underline what would be destructive seeds/weeds for the mind in this passage.

He lives in wisdom

Who sees himself in all and all in him,

Whose love for the Lord of Love has consumed

Every selfish desire and sense-craving

Tormenting the heart. Not agitated

By grief nor hankering after pleasure,

He lives free from lust and fear and anger

Fettered no more by selfish attachments,

He is not elated by good fortune

Nor depressed by bad. Such is the seer.

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