Yantra- an active meditation

Yantra- an active meditation

Yantra is an active meditation

A quick science of Yantra

Human consciousness is a product of our brain and meditation works on the brain to bring it into a state of consciousness i.e. awareness or enlightment.

The human brain is divided into two parts: the lower and upper part. The lower consists of primitive the upper has left and right hemispheres. It is often difficult to coordinate these parts. Our lifestyle can determine the use of more of one part and not the other for example.

The right hemisphere is responsible for pattern recognition, intuition, sensitivity and creative insight – the left governs rational , analytical, critical thinking. Yogees identify the right as feminine and left as masculine.

Yantras, mantras work mainly on the right side of our brain and alternative nose breathing bring both theses parts into balance bringing better coordination and communication.
In a nutshell Yantra works by balancing the right and left hemispheres of our brain so that we can experience an enriched life.

Yantra like yoga and meditation were originally conceived 4,000 years ago in Northern parts of India.

The benefits of Yantra mediation
Increase of creativity by plunging into freedom
I increased levels of self confidence
Increased awareness to your use and level of intuition
Increases full breath and relaxation
Reduction of stress means better health
Using colours in your life to make a positive difference
Learning a tool that could be useful
Using of sound that peacefully calms the mind.

You are not therefore shunning from life by crude discipline you are exercising your self discipline to the maximum to enjoy the colour of life.

You are not merely living or running away from your thoughts you are practising to be present in the creative moment.

You are not merely a stimulant junky going from one stimulant to another but you are able to absorb and change every stimulant to its core.

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