Why meditation is now more important than ever before

Why meditation is now more important than ever before

Meditation and it’s allied practices are now more important than ever. As the world we live in gets ever more complex and uncertain, meditation becomes ever more a necessity.  To understand the reason why we need to look back thousands, even millions of years, into the past.

For most of human history we lived as small tribes of hunter gathers. Our minds, bodies, feelings, emotions, drives, desires and instincts all evolved to make us function in that environment . The world we live in now and the lives we lead have little in common with the environment we evolved to live in. The instincts that served us so well in the past now often work against our better interests.

It’s as if we are running on software that’s thousands of years out of date and no longer fit for purpose. So how do we reprogram ourselves so that  we can thrive in this environment that is so far removed from our natural one? The answer that keeps coming up again and again in all cultures and in all traditions for at least the last 5000 years is meditation.

Meditation helps us to change our thoughts and feelings so that instead of working against us they work for us the way they way they used to do long ago.

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