Why meditate and its benefits

Why meditate and its benefits

How many of us have some point in our lives thought about or have done exercise in the gym, lifted weights, gone swimming or been jogging or even joined yoga class for muscle toning?
How many of us have gone to do the gym for mental exercise? No I don?t mean to a priory to check whether you are mentally fit and should be let out in the social environment!
Have you ever put your Mind on a treadmill or allowed it to lift heavy weights and been proud of its increased performance of endurance, stamina and speed?
Very few, if any at all, would say yes.
Meditation classes are that form of mental gym work. If you attend Sefali?s Yoga and Meditation classes your mind is surely to sweat and be lean and fit.
Why meditate? Because it is important to understand how your Mind works and how you process your thoughts. You can build mental stamina, endurance and speed just like the body.
Use the mind as a tool for happiness.
The Buddha said many, many, many years ago?..,
?whatever an enemy might do, or a foe, the ill directed mind can do to you even worse?
Yes the mind can be unruly, over stimulated, tired and exhausted but can also be strengthened and understood.
Understand your Mind and get all the benefits from meditation.
Benefits of meditation
ú Stronger focus and concentration
ú Reduces anxiety and emotional turmoil
ú Gives you clear thinking
ú Reduces stress
ú Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol
ú kicks addictions and other self-defeating behaviours
ú increases creativity and enhances performance in work and play
ú increases self-understanding and self-acceptance
ú increases joy (I am still working on this for myself!)
ú increase love and spontaneity
ú increases greater intimacy with friends and family
ú gives you a deeper sense of meaning and purpose
ú glimpses of a spiritual dimension of being
Hey I am not perfect but I am working on it with my Meditation.
See you at Sefali?s Yoga and Meditation starting 3 September 8.15 pm to 9.15 pm at Heston Village Hall, Heston, Hounslow.

Reference: meditation for dummies by Stephen Bodian

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