Why does time seem to get faster when you get older?

Why does time seem to get faster when you get older?

Jas made an interesting comment on one of the Wednesday meditation classes.

He said “Why does time seem to move faster as you get older?”

I speculated that time appears to move faster as we get older because we can do more things on auto-pilot. I gave the example of when we have been driving for years and we drive down a familiar route, we often have no memory of the journey when we arrive at the destination. Sometimes we even look around and think how did I get here again. It’s as if a part of our life has been erased. We just “zone out” and as we do that more and more time seems to get faster and faster.

As we spend more time meditating our attention is brought back to the present moment so we can savour and utilise each second of what Kipling called “the unforgiving minute”. When we do that time will start to feel like it is slowing down again.

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