What is yoga: the science of self realisation

What is yoga: the science of self realisation

What is Yoga?

It is the science of self realisation.

What is self realisation? It is the process of getting to know our true Self or having the ability to tap into our maximum potential as a person in dealing with actions at hand. Mortimer Adler defined it as acquiring freedom from external coercion, cultural expectations political and economic pressures another psychologist described it as a process whereby the ego matures and/or the personality grows.

Yoga provides us with the tools to obtain such a state using tools which work harmoniously with all three aspects of our Selves, the mind, body and spirit. We progress to enlightenment of our true Self through a process of peace and not conflict. The catch is, it comes at a cost of life time practice, practice and more practice. To practice yoga means to practice the eight limbs of yoga. The Bhagavad-Gita describes Yoga as a skill in action and it is only through constant practice that we get better at a skill and get to master our tools i.e we get better at life decisions, resolving conflicts, actions, and making choices, etc

The eight limbs of yoga

1. Yamas
2. Niyamas
3. Asana
4. Pranayama
5. Prathyahara
6. Dharana
7. Dhyana
8. Samadhi

Yamas and Niyamas

Maslow?s pyramid of needs places at the top of the pyramid, self-actualisation and at the base physiological and biological needs as well as safety, self esteem, and a sense of belongingness etc. The basic needs have to be satisfied before we proceed to self actualisation. Yamas and Niyamas in Yoga direct us to these basic foundations of our lives. They direct our thoughts, believes and attitudes and how we interact with ourselves, with others and the environment. For example, if we fear our lives or safety then we can not practice Yoga. Our basic needs have to be satisfied hence non-violence, non- stealing etc are important. As well as the right environment, we need to make the time to practice yoga and we do this by adjusting our life style by checking our desires for materialism for example and learning self discipline to reduce our weakness and increase self control.

Asana, pranayama and prathyahara

Looks at the physical, elements of ourselves, our body, breath and our senses. Through strengthening these aspects we can strengthen our physical self. Diet, exercise and understanding our breath and senses are therefore important.

Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi

These three look at our psychological self. These limbs allow us to understand our mental, cognitive and spiritual self. Through these three limbs we come to understand the nature of our minds and being. We learn to focus, concentrate; learn how to stay in the moment.

Through continued practice of these skills we can reach a higher state of consciousness or a higher state of understanding of our true Self.
?There, having made the mind one-pointedness, with the actions of the mind and the senses controlled, let him, seated on the seat, practice yoga for the purification of the Self?. Bhagavad Gita

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