What is an illumined man?

What is an illumined man?

What is an illumined man?

How does the illumined man conduct his life: how does he sit; how does he talk;how does he move about? (As Arjuna asks Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita and as Krishna advises Arjuna)

An illumined (orenlightened) man

Feels an interconnectedness with others.

What does this interconnectedness with others mean?

He does not let SELFISH desires and sense cravings torment the heart. He feels no pain usuallyassociated with desire and cravings.

How do you think SELFISH desires canaffect one ‘s action?

He is not agitated by grief neither his choice of action governed by anger,lust and fear.

Why can these negative emotions affect your mind and actions?

What are the advantages of these emotions?

Canan illumined man havecontrol over these emotions?

This enlightened being is not depressed by bad fortune nor elated by good bad.His emotions do not dominated the mind: in fact the mind is even and well balanced.

How can good fortune affect your mind?

The enlightened being has well trained senses. He is able to control his senseslike a tortoise is able to draw in his limbs at will. The enlightened being isnot governed but seeks to take action from making conscious choices and decisions.

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