Walking is our best medicine

Walking is our best medicine

Walking is man’s best medicine – Hippocrates

and yet walking is the most undervalued form of exercise there is.

A wide range of studies have demonstrated that walking can:

reduce mild depression symptoms by 47%
reduce risk of type 2 diabetes by 58%
walking for 30 minutes 5 times a week can reduce the risk of heart attack by 28%
reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol
significantly aid weight loss

brisk walking at least 3 miles per hour for 3 hours or more a week was shown to lower the risk of prostate cancer progression

as a weight bearing exercise walking can have a positive impact on bone density
and help protect against osteoporosis.

walking has been shown to produce significant gains in self image, confidence,
feelings of well being, improving psychological well being, reducing depression and
can reduce stress.

A study from Japan showed significant health benefits for anyone walking 5000
or more steps a day.

Don’t waste time driving the car to the gym instead walk to the local shops, take the dog out for a walk, go shopping, get some fresh air in the park, or even stroll out with your grandparents, play with your children and stay socially active don’t forget your also getting a free supply of vitamin D from the sunshine.

Get your legs in motion now!

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