The unhappy consumer

The unhappy consumer

Did you know that an unhappy person will pay 3x more than a happy person for the same object ?

Watch almost any advert and you can see it attempting to make us fearful, unhappy, and discontent in general.

It’s difficult to sell to happy people. They just don’t seem to need a great deal.

Adverts need to create the perception in us that we have a problem, then they can sell their product “solutions” to us.

Meditation builds a sense of contentment that protects us from attempts at emotional manipulation. It creates a place in our mind that’s still and calm. A place to come “home” to. From this place we can view our emotions with a certain sense of detachment.

Emotions can be like strong winds blowing our little boat into the rocks or far out to sea in a direction far from the one we wished to take.

Meditation gives us a set of sails that allow us to harness the energy of those winds to take us wherever we want to go.

We feel emotions and have thoughts whether we like it or not. It’s not our choice. How we use those emotions and how we react to those thoughts can be our choice once we learn how through meditation.
Did you know that an unhappy person will pay 3x more than a happy person for the same object ?

Watch almost any advert and you can see it attempting to make us fearful, unhappy, and discontent in general.

It’s difficult to sell to happy people. They just don’t seem to need a great deal.

Adverts need to create the perception in us that we have a problem, then they can sell their product “solutions” to us.

Meditation builds a sense of contentment that protects us from attempts at emotional manipulation. It creates a place in our mind that’s still and calm. A place to come “home” to. From this place we can view our emotions with a certain sense of detachment.

Emotions can be like strong winds blowing our little boat into the rocks or far out to sea in a direction far from the one we wished to take.

Meditation gives us a set of sails that allow us to harness the energy of those winds to take us wherever we want to go.

We feel emotions and have thoughts whether we like it or not. It’s not our choice. How we use those emotions and how we react to those thoughts can be our choice once we learn how through meditation.

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