The postmodern predicament and how meditation can help

The postmodern predicament and how meditation can help

Part II

Change brings about positives but we must also be conscious of the negatives.

Modern changes have brought about many benefits to our lives and to name a few;

life expectancy from improved sanitation and housing
eradication better management of some of life threatening diseases such as HIV and cancer.
better life style
more rights and independence
more social mobility

However, we need to be aware of some negative side effects of change mainly rising from the speed and relentless nature of change occurring. If we become aware of the negatives we can keep a healthy level of emotional, physical and spiritual constancy essential to our wellbeing.

Collectively what are the negative side effects of life in the postmodern age and how can meditation help us?

Increased level of anxiety and stress: constant change will switch on the flight or fright response. However we need to relax if we are going to be prepared to take the next onslaught of difficulties and responsibilities brought on by change. Meditation disciplines us to take half an hour out in the day to switch off the flight and fright button inducing a discipline of relaxation.
Increased levels of fragmentation: perhaps we cannot avoid moving away from our community, friends, children and family brought on by social, economic, political pressure or opportunities but we can connect with our deeper wholeness and keep that stable which external circumstances cannot disturb. We practice stabilising our wholeness for half an hour every day through meditation.
Increased necessity for entertainment: We live in an era of more stress brought on by change and the cultural acceptance seems to be to resort to entertainment to relax. Lets switch on the TV and watch a comedy, lets go on holiday and get a break from the mayhem, lets check out what the celebrities and others are doing on Facebook and share the gossip and share our problems, lets surf the net or I pad mini or I phone to unwind. These entertainments in fact create more emotions. They do not still the mind by cutting out the stimulation from the environment but piles on the stimulation. Half an hour of meditation every day gives us the opportunity of complete quietness from stimulation. We have the opportunity to observe in privacy our own mind, emotions, spiritual needs without the clamour of external stimulations and expectations.
Increased consumerism: the solution to feeling unhappy and to fulfil our needs is to get the latest possession, diet, vacation, perk, technology As soon as we buy the latest it becomes the oldest and there is then the best ever on the market. We race and try to keep up to buy to fulfil our needs. Practising half and hour meditation every day fills the void within us that seems never to be satiated otherwise. Meditation brings about contentment and a sense of fulfilment that lasts longer than affects of retail therapy.

Change is good provided you embrace change with mind, body and spirit and at a pace that allows you to assimilate, be aware and to allow you to adapt to change from a calm and relaxed position.

In short, you have the ability through meditation to slow down your internal world regardless of whether the external world is going at lightening speed.

Meditation is the latest gadget for the postmodern era. Hurry whilst stocks last!!

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