positive health and wellbeing Tag

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, where the pace is frenetic and stress seems to be an ever-present companion, the quest for inner peace and well-being has become more critical than ever. Amidst the myriad of self-care practices, meditation has emerged as...

In an age dominated by fast-paced lifestyles and digital connectivity, the social benefits of yoga have become increasingly pronounced and vital. Beyond its physical and mental advantages, yoga has emerged as a powerful catalyst for building connections, fostering community, and enhancing overall social well-being. This...

Compassion, often described as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is a profound and transformative human quality. Rooted in empathy and kindness, the practice of compassion extends beyond mere altruism; it has far-reaching benefits for both individuals and society as a...

Happiness, a concept as elusive as it is sought after, has been a subject of human fascination for centuries. What is it that makes us happy, and can science unravel the secrets to a fulfilled and content life? In recent decades, researchers from various disciplines...

Altruism, the selfless concern for the well-being of others, stands as one of humanity's most remarkable and paradoxical traits. In a world often dominated by self-interest and competition, the existence of altruistic behavior poses a fascinating puzzle for scientists, psychologists, and philosophers alike. Over the...

The link between brain insulin insensitivity and diabetes is well-established, but the exact nature of that connection is still being studied. New research from researchers at the German Center for Diabetes Research, Tübingen University Hospital, and Helmholtz Munich in Munich, Germany, explores the effect of exercise...

People often want to get more done in a day, but sometimes it’s hard to feel motivated to complete tasks. Several factors influence motivation, but there’s a lot about the physiology behind motivation that experts don’t completely understand. A​ recent study published in eLife found that levels of the antioxidant glutathione in...

Namaste. I hope you are all well and happy! While I was away in Canterbury I used the opportunity to try out all the local classes whether they were Olympic Weightlifting, Yoga or African dance classes. The classes reminded me of something very important that in my experience most teachers...

There are other ways of activating autophagy without fasting and exercise. Here are some autophagy boosting foods. Sulforaphane induces autophagy through ERK activation in neuronal cells. Cruciferous vegetables and dark leafy greens like kale have sulforaphane. Azuki bean extract has been shown to reduce oxidative stress...

A new study shows that people who work in community gardens receive various health benefits that may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and can improve mental health. The randomized controlled trial involved 145 people who never gardened before and tracked...