heston Tag

Foods That Cause Inflammation   Sugar and high-fructose corn syrup   Table sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are the two main types of added sugar in the Western diet. One of the reasons that added sugars are harmful is that they can increase inflammation, which can lead...

Seva is a Sanskrit word that describes the act of selfless service. As carers week 2020 has begun this is a great time for us to practice Seva. The following description of Seva is from https://www.yogapedia.com/ "Its meaning is said to be embodied by the root words saha,...

Step aerobics involves stepping up and down on a raised platform such as a step, chair, block or a purpose-built aerobic stepper. Several studies have shown that engaging in 1 hour of step aerobics is roughly equal to running 7 miles! Step aerobics has all the...

I spent a year volunteering 2 days a week of my time to Hounslow Citizens Advice Beaurea. I learnt lots of new skills and made many new friends (I got to know Sefali's sister Malti who also started volunteering), I was given training and guidance and...

Altruism is often defined as a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences defines psychological altruism as "a motivational state with the goal of increasing another's welfare." A recent study conducted by Chinese scientists has shed light on...

Tapasya is a practice which requires us to make our minds do something they really do not want to do. Just as working against the resistance of weights can build our muscles, working against the resistance of our minds can build mental toughness. Each of us will...