health Tag

My fasting used to involve going 3 days and 4 nights eating nothing and only drinking tap water. If you want to know how that went click here: My 3 Day water fast After reading Dr Valter Longo's book "The Longevity Diet" I have been following the...

Step aerobics involves stepping up and down on a raised platform such as a step, chair, block or a purpose-built aerobic stepper. Several studies have shown that engaging in 1 hour of step aerobics is roughly equal to running 7 miles! Step aerobics has all the...

I spent a year volunteering 2 days a week of my time to Hounslow Citizens Advice Beaurea. I learnt lots of new skills and made many new friends (I got to know Sefali's sister Malti who also started volunteering), I was given training and guidance and...

In this blog post we will be looking at an article written by Eva Ritvo called the The Neuroscience of Giving: Proof that helping others helps you. Eva begins the article by saying "Humans are social animals, so it is no surprise that we are wired...

Altruism is often defined as a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences defines psychological altruism as "a motivational state with the goal of increasing another's welfare." A recent study conducted by Chinese scientists has shed light on...