compassion Tag

Pema Chödrön’s meditation teachings are deeply influenced by Tibetan Buddhism, particularly the principles of lojong (mind training) and tonglen (giving and receiving). Her approach is built on several core principles: 1. Embracing Groundlessness Pema often speaks about the Buddhist concept of groundlessness—the idea that life is uncertain,...

The 10 stages of attention, as described by Kamalaśīla in the Bhāvanākrama (The Stages of Meditation), outline a progressive framework for cultivating meditative concentration, or samādhi. These stages guide practitioners from distracted and unfocused states to deep meditative absorption and equanimity. They are primarily associated...

Compassion, often described as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is a profound and transformative human quality. Rooted in empathy and kindness, the practice of compassion extends beyond mere altruism; it has far-reaching benefits for both individuals and society as a...

Can helping others improve your health? The benefits of giving rather than receiving are more than just spiritual. Altruism and blood pressure A research team from the University of British Columbia gave a group of older participants with high blood pressure money to spend. On three consecutive weeks they...

I spent a year volunteering 2 days a week of my time to Hounslow Citizens Advice Beaurea. I learnt lots of new skills and made many new friends (I got to know Sefali's sister Malti who also started volunteering), I was given training and guidance and...