Saturday morning classes-be present in the moment

Saturday morning classes-be present in the moment

i thought it best to give an overview of what I teach in my Saturday classes too.

Today the class’s objective was to show how the engagement of the outsides of your feet help to stabilise the hips.

As always we have the ground beneath and we walk unconscious of using its force.

My focus in the class was also to

reinforce active relaxation
show how to bring on relaxation consciously in the midst of turmoil.
bring about body awareness through guided meditation of the body
reinforce good posture, the affect of walking on postural muscles
reinforce the affect of the mind on the body

During each asana you are practising to keep the mind, body and spirit present in the moment.

If you come out of the class with heightened spirit your are yoking all three. Keep up the good work. See you next week.

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