Relaxation Methods (Yoga in Heston & Hounslow)

Relaxation Methods (Yoga in Heston & Hounslow)

At Sefali’s Yoga we use a variety of relaxation methods. Some have already been described in the breathwork posts on this blog. Other methods include the “Body Scan” and “Yoga Nidra”.

The Body Scan

The Body Scan involves us bringing all our attention to the top of our head and focusing on any tension we feel there. We then slowly bring our attention down to our temples, eyes, jaw while continually focusing on any tension locked in the various muscles in each area. We continue doing this until we reach all the way down to the feet.

We spend most of our time focused on what’s going on in our minds and only notice our bodies when something hurts! This creates a disembodied effect where we behave like ‘brains on sticks’. The Body Scan embodies us again and returns our focus to the whole of us. It also relaxes the whole body.

One student after doing a more powerful variation of this exercise could touch her toes for the first time in years because her body had become so relaxed. The body scan has been proven to reduce pain in those who suffer from chronic pain.

Yoga nidra

Yoga nidra refers to the conscious awareness of the deep sleep state. It is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, we experience it just before we fall asleep and just as we are waking up. It is a state in which our bodies are completely relaxed, and we become moment by moment more aware of our inner mental world by following a set of spoken instructions. The goal is to achieve a state of deep relaxation.

Yoga nidra can reduce tension and anxiety as the autonomic symptoms of high anxiety (headache, giddiness, chest pain, palpitations, sweating and abdominal pain) often respond well to it. It has been used to help soldiers from war cope with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).



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