Relax the self through gratitude and be happy

Relax the self through gratitude and be happy

Being Happy is a mixture of how our brains are wired and the skills we apply to remain positive and upbeat.

Like an alcoholic has to admit that they have a drinking problem, so do we have to be aware of our disposition toward happiness. Some people think they are happy or positive yet they are constantly looking unhappy or being negative.

So firstly become aware of the state of your happiness.

Then we decide, do we want to make a change?

In our meditation class yesterday we looked at the Self (e.g. the ego/self-will) and how attachment to this Self can lead to unhappiness.

We looked at gratitude and reflecting on gratitude and how we respond to gratitude as a method of relaxing the effect of the Self on our level of happiness. The idea is that if we look at our surroundings and our family, friends and world we will find that there is a lot that we can be grateful for yet we don?t acknowledge it in the day ? we take the good things for granted and get attached to ego Self of not having enough of, or fearing what could happen if you did not have so and so. And you can see the vicious circle we are getting caught up in.

Let us wean ourselves away from focusing on what we do not have and EXPERIENCE and EXPRESS gratitude and let the positivity regenerate back to us.

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