Muscle, balance and function (MBF) My story

Muscle, balance and function (MBF) My story

Here is my story of how I found MBF, what it did for me and how I introduced it to Sefali.

More then a decade ago Sefali and I used to train boxing 3 x week regularly and loved it. Unfortunately the intense physical nature of the sport was more then my body could handle. My knees started to hurt so much I could barely walk. Pensioners would overtake me when I was walking and I was only in my early thirties. I started to become fearful about what state I would end up in as I aged.

Sefali with all her Yoga training was always bouncing around like the energiser bunny and actually seemed to be able to keep up with the professional fighters in the gym!

I went on the internet and started chatting to as many athletes as I could who were in the same predicament as me to see if anyone had found a solution while trying anything and everything that looking promising.

Eventually one of the guys I was in contact with started MBF.  He had tried every treatment under the sun as he had got himself in such a bad state he could barely get himself out of bed at times and yet he lived for his sport and desperately wanted to recover. He made really fast progress with MBF and ultimately got his body into such good shape he was functioning better then any time he could remember!

That news got me all excited and I started MBF. After my first couple of times doing the exercises in my program my pain went away. Over time my body just got stronger and stronger until I could feel it operating as one unit. When I tried sprinting again after six months of MBF my whole body worked together in generating power and speed in a way I never remember it being able to do.

I then introduced Sefali to MBF. Her desk job had given her an elevated shoulder from the position she is forced to sit in. Sefali was struggling to find a way to fix her shoulder so I gave her a couple of MBF exercises to do. Just doing the exercises for 10 min was enough for her shoulder to become noticeably less elevated. She was stunned! She immediately wanted to learn more about MBF and after 2 years of training we both went on to become fully qualified MBF practitioners.

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