Mismatch diseases and muscle imbalances (Yoga in Heston & Hounslow)

Mismatch diseases and muscle imbalances (Yoga in Heston & Hounslow)

Our modern lifestyle has many wonderful benefits. Unfortunately it also has its downsides known as mismatch diseases. Many of the ailments we suffer from in the modern world are known as mismatch diseases. They are the result of a mismatch between the environment our bodies evolved to live in and the modern world we live in now.

Yoga was conceived and designed in a time and place where people lived very different lifestyles to how we in the West live today. Yoga came into the world before desk jobs, cars, sofas, television and comfortable mattresses existed.

Our Western lifestyle leads to muscle imbalances and our bodies lose their alignment making us prone to pain, discomfort and injuries.

If we practice a physical discipline such as Yoga we need to correct our imbalances first. If we don’t, all our hard work often leads to us doing more harm than good to our bodies.

In order to put our bodies back into their natural fully functional states we need to able to diagnose exactly which imbalances we have in our bodies and do specific targeted exercises that address our individual problems.

Not addressing posture and alignment before beginning a physical activity is like building a house without creating a firm foundation first.

It’s only a matter of time before the whole thing comes crashing down around you! It’s also important that we keep monitoring our posture and fixing any imbalances that might arise.

In the next post we will take a deeper look at posture and why it is so important.

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