Meditation- Practicing love and kindness

Meditation- Practicing love and kindness

Introducing love and kindness into our practice

Traditional meditation teaches us to cultivate energy throughawareness and developing a well concentrated and attentive mind. This energy, in yogic terms is called Prana, whichis what manoeuvres our life.

Moving on from attention and concentration meditation shouldalso teach us compassion and empathy; as when we develop these two personalattributes we bring joy and peace to ourselves and others this in effect alsoincreases our energy level; by de-stressing us; relaxing us; hence increasingour power of attention to be present in the moment.

We have heard, perhaps more so in the Eastern culture theterm, to have a ?big heart? or an ?open heart?.

Try to think of someone who may think of as having an openheart do they display the following qualities;

ú Energy and expansiveness

ú More at peace and well-being

ú Good health; better immune system

ú Belonging and interconnectedness

ú More spiritually aware;

Do they also show to be more

ú Pro-active

ú Confident, content and assured

ú Decisive, pro-active and joyful

ú More harmonious with themselves and others

ú More willing to accept change and move on

Have you also heard of the phrase ?don?t lose heart?. If you do, you may lose the ability to focus,be pro-active, accept change and move on.

Have you come across someone displaying a closed heart, orsomeone who has ?lost heart??..! Do theygenerally display ????..

ú Anger

ú Pain/feeling hurt

ú Threatened by others

ú Signs of fear ie. fear that he/she may be takenadvantage of.

ú Signs of defensiveness

The more you feel the above the more you lose heart or closeyour heart.

You may begin to further close your heart through,??

ú Feeling resentment

ú Unresolved grief

ú Jealousy

ú Pain grasping and attachments

ú Self-clinging

Continuous practice of meditation erodes the sense of ?self?and gets rid slowly of the experience of separateness hence one day, albeit slowly,you may begin to experience living with an open heart.

Hence in eastern culture meditators are taught to develop

ú Generosity

ú Patience

ú Love and kindness

before they begin to meditate andcontinuous practice with meditation.

Through meditation and practice of love and kindness we canmove towards living in the moment with an open mind/heart.

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