Meditation is a search for our infinite self

Meditation is a search for our infinite self

Meditation is a search of our infinite Self

Yantra meditation is active meditation like candle gazing or walking, writing they are dynamic activities that exercise coordination of the mind, body and senses to be present in the moment. Active meditation can help bring about relaxation and one-pointed attention effortlessly as we are meditating in a state of flow using more of our nervous system hence encouraging a deeper state of awareness
Active meditation is dynamic. I find it not only searches your deeper Self but helps you to see clearly your state of being. It is like wiping the condensation off your bathroom mirror so you can see your reflection clearly. “Non active” meditation involves for example sitting and meditating on your mantra which works like a Hoover simply hoovering up the dirt, rubbish and dust off the floor and air and active meditation is like placing the ornaments, pictures back on the wall adding the final touches to cleaning your mind. Using the two together is like a fine polish of the mind.

This final touches to tidying the mind reveals the innate silent witness present in all of us.
We hold two faculties the individual self, which is an expression of our personality and idiosyncrasies arising from our every day needs and trials of life. The individual self is an expression of your experience as you flow through life like a torrential and forever changing river. The other is the self which is universal, the true Self all pervading, peaceful, spacious and with limitless supply of energy.
This Self is the Self that stands by the bank of the river watching with detachment the passing of the torrential river. Or perhaps like the owner (the divine Self) of a kite letting free the kite in the sky and controlling it with the strings to make the sale more enjoyable.

The individual self and divine Self are like

“Two birds sitting on the same branch of the same tree one eats and the other looks.” Mundaka Upanishads.

Often, and usually everyday, the Self can appear to get lost therefore we exercise meditation to find it and once found we worship it as if sacred. In return our Self monitors the activity of the individual self and together we can be present in the moment with much more awareness and better expression with in depth perception and quality of life.

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