Meditation -happiness is a

Meditation -happiness is a

Peace is as simple as A, B, C….,

I am teaching meditation to 7 to 12 years now. The lesson went really well. I was not surprised to see how easily children of such an age grasped the idea that happiness comes from within and from a peace of mind. They understood the nature of the mind that it is a constant state of fluctuation and distraction and that if we learn attention and concentration the mind can learns to focus on one point and it is this one-pointed mind that allows us to stay in the moment. When we stay in the moment we do not think about the past and future memories, thoughts and emotions that can upset us. Being in the moment brings excellence, peace and harmony in us which we can pass on to others.

They were happy to do their yogic asanas, sit and do their yogic breathing with me and sit comfortably in their meditation pose quietly for 10 minutes learning to focus on their breath.

As we get older we forget that peace and happiness is as simple as that. To be able to sit still, reflect and watch the nature of our mind so that we can understand ourselves. The innocence of childhood can understand the concept without any justification or judgement. As adults we start searching for this state of peace which is so simply within us but clouded by our adulthood experience.

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