Meditation Classes (Yoga in Heston)

Meditation Classes (Yoga in Heston)

At times we behave in ways that are counterproductive to the results we were hoping to achieve. We eat a doughnut when we are dieting, we have lots of work to do but we procrastinate and delay. We want to be healthy but we overeat or oversleep, maybe we smoke, or we drink too much even though we know we shouldn’t. Thoughts enter our mind whether we like it or not and they help shape our attitudes, beliefs, values and influence our behaviour.

Our thoughts arise from feelings which create more thoughts that then influence our feelings which then give rise to yet more new thoughts. We like to believe we are in control of our thoughts and feelings but if that we true we could all chose to feel completely happy and content all the time and the world we live in would be a very different place.

Beneath our feelings and thoughts and more powerful still are the raw emotions that give rise to our feelings and these emerge out of our physiology.

In the meditation class you will learn different meditation and breathing techniques that address all of these levels. We start at the physiological level with breathing techniques designed to create a coherent heart rate variance.  This puts our mind in calm and centred state which is highly conducive for the different types of meditation which follow.

The meditation techniques that follow are carefully sequenced. This is vital for them to have desired effect. To address issues pertinent to our emotions and feelings we use meditation techniques such as Loving-Kindness (Metta) meditation and the Dalai Lama’s favourite Tong-Len.

We use these to cultivate positive emotions first towards ourselves, then family and friends, then we continue to widen to circle until it includes every living being.

These techniques allow us to build positive emotions and feelings within us the same way as we build muscles. This tones down the natural tendency of our minds to constantly search for problems and threats. It helps us to come out of our shells and lead a more natural, spontaneous and authentic life.

We also teach meditation techniques to address unhelpful thoughts. These include “passage meditation” which involves meditating on a passage of poetry, literature or scripture that inspires you and reflects your highest beliefs. In time you can burn the passage into your psyche so that it becomes a part of who you are.

We can also help you pick a mantra if you don’t have one. A mantra is very powerful and flexible tool with a plethora of uses. The main one is that it can help put your mind on a lead. You have probably experienced times when your mind wanders off when you’re trying to focus on something important. With a mantra you can give a gentle tug and your mind will be brought back just like a disobedient dog on a lead!

We will also teach you how to make affirmations really work. We also teach written forms of meditation and expressive writing to clarify your thoughts and emotions. Finally we will teach you powerful methods of self-enquiry to help you really understand your thoughts and emotions.

At Sefali’s Yoga we don’t believe in a one size fits all approach. We will teach you how to acquire self-knowledge, then how and why each meditation technique works so that you can practice the one that you most need right here and right now.

You can then peel away unhelpful and harmful thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours to reveal your true authentic self underneath.

With practice we can all tame and eventually master our minds. The meditation class will teach you how to get your mind to work for you instead of against you.


Our Meditation Classes (functional mind)

The meditation classes usually consist of

  • relaxation techniques
  • breathing
  • short talks
  • meditation



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