Learning Yoga Concepts-part 2

Learning Yoga Concepts-part 2

Learning Yoga concepts Part II – “The Lord Within”

In Yoga we study the Self and learn about our inner qualities, our powers,
abilities, strengths and weaknesses. This is the process of enlightenment. An
awareness of the self and the Self. The self being the ego self the one you see
every day in the mirror, the one that work colleagues and acquaintances and
credit companies know about.

The philosophy of Yoga claims that the Self is part of the greater whole. The
journey of this ideal unites the Self to the Greater whole. This is what the
concept of the The Lord within means. You don’t have to be religious to benefit
from this concept. You can be a mystic, an agnostic or an atheist to benefit
from the idea of this concept. The Lord of Love has all the infinite
positive attributes you can imagine.

Look at the prayer from Francis Assisi

“Lord make me an instrument of thy peace”
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.”

The passage teaches us to make peace, sow love, learn forgiveness,
live with hope and in light and be joyful by going beyond the ego self.

These are the attributes that attract one individual to another like the
attraction of one proton to another proton. When we recognise the Self in us and others by using the above attributes we are connecting/attracting closer to the Greater whole.

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