Kids class two

Kids class two

Hi just a recap on last Sunday’s meditation/yoga class.

I gave the children their practice yoga/meditation diary to log in class and
general practice. I am not only practising yoga in the class but am getting
them to think, feel and assimilate what they are learning intellectually as well
as creatively. Writing and walking could be a dying skills with computers and iPads but I
would like to demonstrate to children that writing is as therapeutic for the mind
as walking is for the body.

I am also introducing Sanskrit names of asana which originated from yoga, so that
my students have a better feel when practising yoga.

I am teaching them Surya Namaskara and they have learnt the benefits of this
asana in particular in relation to how practise of slow flowing asana can slow
mind down too

They again learnt more the benefits of their invisible best friend, the

We then meditated on the breath.

Looking forward to seeing them this Sunday

P .s. Please bring your diary

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