Keep your effort effortless

Keep your effort effortless

Self discipline is a skill become aware of how to develop it. This requires developing self awareness regarding how to best ?discipline yourself?.

Self discipline is the ability to do some activity over and over again.

There are three aspects of self discipline : –

1. Commitment
2. Effort
3. Letting go

Effort is key to self discipline.

It is the quantity and quality of exertion or effort that you put into the activity.
If you find your self discipline failing you check the list below to see how you can help discipline yourself.

1. How much energy are you giving to your activity? Is it 100% effort?

Remember natural law states that the more you expend on an activity the more you get back. This is not the case with economy when there is high inflation!

Question yourself do you really enjoy what you are doing? The more you love something and give whole heartedly you will see the more energy will be created and the more the energy will grow. If you enjoy and have fun your efforts are reduced and becomes effortless.
Are you struggling? To give whole heartedly does not mean you are struggling it means you are enjoying it so much that you are relaxed, receptive and 100% active the results are therefore greater. Reframe your attitude towards effort! Effort does not have to be a struggle! You will be more enthusiastic then of approaching the activity hence effort becomes effortless. Remember once you give full attention anything everything becomes enjoyable.
If you are not applying 100% recheck your motivation and get emotionally driven – don’t just give up work on your commitment. Spend more time to build on positive emotions. Emotions are like fuel for the car.

2. Are you applying your discipline?

Are you plugging along despite your emotions and mood? Bear earnest with yourself once you have decided to commit to the activity keep working at it. Remember it is a lot easier to keep in motion and more effort to stop and start again. It takes greater effort to start again your activity after a week or month. Reduce the intervals and keep moving. For example, if your mind wanders keep bringing it back and it does not matter what thoughts, feelings arise you merely plug along with your breath and repeating your mantra, passage or yantra. Don?t just stop and start tomorrow.

3. Don?t be black and white with your attitude. Be flexible, receptive and open to accepting attitudes that contrast. This can bring better balance and more scope for adjustment as being black and white can exhaust your effort. For example,
be serious but light hearted
be alert but relaxed
be spontaneous yet restrained i.e. you are not impulsive or indulging
be engaged and yet dispassionate.

So if your mind is wandering off everywhere don’t try to control it as you will become rigid and tight: this will create negative energy (you may get angry or frustrated). This will drain your effort. Be compassionate with yourself, be light hearted and carry on!

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