I, the self and being

I, the self and being

Following on from Dean’s blog on the Self. How much do we hold on to “I” in our lives?

Is the Self identified as “I”, “MY” “ME” and through out your daily life do you say for example

“I live at ….”
“I work at…”
“I earn so much….”
“I am a …………..”
“I have a car………….”
“my family…………….”
“my role is………..”
“my car…….”
“my qualifications……………”

Am “I” , “Me”, “My” a sum of what I do and what I collect?

Are you defining yourself to a recognisable personality so that you and others can understand yourself?

How much of you is actually BEING who you are?

To BE in the moment is not identifiable. The “Self” does not exist you merely BECOME alive, feel see, witness and experience being and responding to the environment.

How much of YOURSELF is in the mind?

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