How To Do Mantra Meditation

How To Do Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation is an excellent practice for anyone who wants to feel more calm and centred. Over time your mantra will help you feel calm, steady, patient, and secure in any situation. Practising mantra meditation lowers stress levels, increases well-being and has even been shown to reduce blood pressure levels and resting heart rate (see previous post on mantra).

So how do you do mantra meditation?

1/  First sit in your favourite meditation position

2/  Let your breath come to a relaxed, natural speed, depth and rhythm

3/  Begin to think of your mantra

4/  Every time you inhale silently say your mantra in your mind

5/  With each exhalation silently repeat your mantra in your mind

6/  Let the repetition of the mantra become coordinated with your breath.

7/  Listen intently to each syllable as you repeat it.

8/  Feel that each syllable is going deeply into your subconscious mind.

9/  Feel the energy that is created by the mantra and permit this energy to expand.

10/ If your mind drifts off, keep bringing it back to the mantra.

11/ Eventually you should feel that you are becoming completely tuned to your mantra

You can start with very short sessions of only a couple of minutes and build up as your ability to keep focused on the mantra improves.

You can also repeat your mantra throughout the day whenever you are doing something that doesn’t need your full attention (when walking, waiting, any “dead time” during your day).

Whenever you feel you will be swept away by your emotions you can repeat your mantra over and over in your mind. In time it will act like an anchor keeping you steady and in place. The more you practice the quicker it will be before your mantra will be automatically and unconsciously working for you!

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