How meditation gets me ‘in the zone’

How meditation gets me ‘in the zone’

My name is Dean Jordan and I am a long time student of Sefali’s Yoga

I want to list some of the ways the meditation practices that Sefali teaches have benefited me in art, the sports I play, and life in general.

Since Sefali taught me to meditate my focus and concentration have improved greatly. My mind is far more free of distraction sand my attention span is much longer. All this makes practising and learning any skill far easier and has improved my performance immensely.

I now find it much easier to “flow” or to get into what athletes call “the zone”. In this state time seems to slow down and you see everything clearly and know exactly what to do next. Your sense of self melts away and you become completely absorbed in the experience.

This is a wonderful sensation and while in this state always perform to the very best of my abilities.

Meditation has made much easier for me to be in the moment so that my attention is always focused on the movements and tasks I need to execute without my mind getting in my own way by second guessing everything or distracting me with future expectations or memories of past mistakes!

I have also found it easier to look at the big picture and to see how to tie together all aspects my practice and training and make the mall work better as well as examine fine details and fine tune them. I now have a much clearer picture of what’s going on in my own mind and can stop any self-defeating behaviours and free myself from destructive self-criticism.

Learning meditation is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It is something that strengthens the foundation upon which the whole your life is built giving you an amazing sense of stability and security. Sefali is an excellent teacher and I am sure everyone can reap all the benefits from her lessons that I have done.

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