Functional walking and its benefits (Yoga in Heston & Hounslow)

Functional walking and its benefits (Yoga in Heston & Hounslow)

“Walking is man’s best medicine” – Hippocrates

Did you know most of us walk incorrectly? If we walked the way we were supposed to every step we took would make us healthier and stronger.

Most of us walk flat footed, we barely use our feet. They might as well be bricks on the end of our ankles! We barely use our hips. All our weight comes crashing down on our poor knees as our calf muscles do their best to act as shock absorbers.

Our arms hang by our sides when they could be helping us confidently stride down the street.

The Yoga lessons at Sefali’s Yoga often begin with tuition in functional walking. It’s an excellent exercise that most of us can slot into our lives.

No matter how busy we are, there are usually opportunities for us to practice functional walking.

It’s much easier on our joints then running or jogging. When you learn to really build up the speed it is even more intense an exercise then jogging is.

Sefali also teaches a functional walking class at Heston park on an intermittent basis.

If you’re interested contact us and we will let you know when the next one is being held.


Scientific studies have shown that functional walking can: –

  • reduce mild depression symptoms by 47%
  • reduce risk of type 2 diabetes by 58%
  • brisk walking at least 3 miles per hour for 3 hours or more a week lowered the risk of prostate cancer progression
  • reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol
  • significantly aid weight loss
  • walking for 30 minutes 5 times a week can reduce the risk of heart attack by 28% or more
  • have a positive impact on bone density to help protect against osteoporosis
  • reduce stress
  • produce significant gains in self image, confidence, and feelings of well being
  • reduce depression and improve psychological well being
  • be done at levels of high intensity whilst still being risk free.
  • Tone your muscles
  • Improve your cardio and respiratory system
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Control blood fats and stress hormones
  • be a better choice than running which puts stress on joints five times more than your body weight.
  • Burn more calories when done intensively than jogging can.




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