Four steps to success

Four steps to success

Sefali asked me to write something on goal setting as its early in the New Year and many of us are making resolutions.

I remembered a book I read by Dr Harry Alder on NLP had some good things to say about the subject so I dug it up and this is a quick summary of the first couple of chapters. Before we start on goal setting we will look at the four steps to success mentioned in Dr Alder’s book which occur in almost every successful endeavour.


1. Know what you want
2. Take action
3. Learn to notice the results of what you do
4. Be prepared to change your behaviour until you get the result you are after


Dr Alders book doesn’t mention meditation but I find it crucial to all the above.

Having a clear idea of what we want is the first step to succeeding. Meditating allows us insights into our minds we normally wouldn’t have. This makes it much easier to accurately assess what it is we really want.

Most people dream about what they want but are reluctant to take even the first steps to achieving it through fear. Meditation cuts down any negative internal dialogue that blocks us from taking action and stops us from trusting ourselves. It turns our minds into friends and stops them being foes.

When heading to any destination we need to know if we are on course or not. It is important that we find ways of measuring whether we are heading the right way. When meditating we can see what affect our actions are having on us clearly. It is much easier to monitor if we are heading the way we wish to.

Einstein famously said “the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. Unfortunately it is a madness that afflicts many of us. To achieve our goals we often have to venture outside of our comfort zone which can be very tough. Meditation allows us to slowly dismantle our fears one by one by subjecting them to detailed introspection and helps us constantly grow our comfort zones so that we can be highly adaptable and face any situation without having to retreat into fantasy or denial.

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