Explaining yoga to children

Explaining yoga to children

In my Sunday’s children class ages between 7 – 12 years we were looking at what Yoga meant to our young adults.

When asked “what is yoga” one answer was that it is when you do physical exercise.

As they are learning meditation, I wanted to bring into perspective how meditation fits into practising Yoga.

I said Yoga is the practice of the mind, body and spirit.

When we practice yoga we learn tools to exercise the body such as asana. We then spent the first part of the class looking at practising yoga asana.

We also learn tools in yoga to exercise our mind. One way of exercising the mind is by practising meditation. We looked in the second part of the class how to focus on the breath as an object for the mind to learn to focus and concentrate. I practised with the young children abdominal breathing to introduce pranayama and to bring to their attention how the breath has the power to control the mind.

To practise on the spirit we played community harmony games. Whereby we set in a group and passed a squeeze of calmness around and the children paired up to practise yoga poses to bring about connectedness with each other.

Looking forward to teaching them the next class.

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