Expectations and Suffering

Expectations and Suffering

Today in our meditation class we looked at how our expectations can cause us suffering.

I asked the class to consider what their expectations were in their lives and how this affected their lives.

I then introduced the concept of acceptance. I asked the class to assess and note the nature of their mind as of now. To realise and be aware of what they were bringing into their practice.

I then looked at ways of working with what they had brought in and being attentive with looking at working with the mind through awareness of acceptance.

Meditation benefits us by giving us the ability to assess the nature of our mind. It teaches us to accept, be focused and through practice to return to the effort of bringing forth our intention.

With this approach we have no time for expectations for example what we desire or our expectations of how things should be does not drift into our minds as we are concentrated, calm and relaxed in our efforts.

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