Essential Yoga (Sefali’s Yoga)

Essential Yoga (Sefali’s Yoga)

Dysfunctional movement patterns can bring our body to an abrupt halt. Often, the factors that impede our performance are invisible even to seasoned athletes and coaches. One of the goals of my classes is to make them visible to you.

The aim of Essential Yoga is to improve your athletic performance, extend your athletic career, treat stiffness and painfull joints, and prevent and rehabilitate injuries, without you needing to rely on a coach, doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist or masseur.

Whether my students are professional athletes, weekend warriors, or simply want to live a healthy life free from physical restrictions, I aim to teach them how to harness their athletic potential and maintain their body.

It’s important for all of us to truly understand the principles that guide human movement as they lay out a blueprint for moving safely and effectively through life and sport. I teach how to apply those principles to specific movements, whether you are doing deadlifts in the gym or picking up a heavy pot while gardening.

My Essential Yoga classes teach you how to improve your own movement, allowing you to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

I also teach how to correct the common faults associated with those movements and how to perform basic maintenance on your body, unlock your athletic potential and live pain-free.

In summary, the Essential Yoga classes will show you how to:

  • Move safely and efficiently in all situations
  • Organize your spine and joints in optimal, stable positions
  • Restore normal function to your joints and tissues
  • Accelerate recovery after training sessions and competition
  • Properly perform strength and conditioning movements like the squat, pushup, deadlift
  • Build efficient, transferable movement patterns and skill progressions from simple to more advanced exercises
  • Help you to identify and correct inefficient movement patterns
  • Treat and resolve common symptoms like low back pain, carpal tunnel, shoulder pain etc
  • Prevent and rehabilitate common athletic injuries
  • Use mobilization techniques to address stiff muscles, soft tissue and joint capsule restriction, motor control problems, and joint range of motion limitations
  • Customize my mobility prescriptions to the students in front of me to improve their movement efficiency




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