Ego, Altruism and True Freedom (Yoga in Heston & Hounslow)

Ego, Altruism and True Freedom (Yoga in Heston & Hounslow)

Altruism or putting others well-being before our own seems like a stupid, irrational and crazy thing to do. It seems like something you would only do for your family. Surely there can be no good reason the put the welfare of people we are not related to before our own? Maybe if you believe you will be rewarded in your next life but there can’t be another more down to earth reason, can there? The writings of mystics of all traditions throughout the ages suggest there is.

Consider how we yearn for freedom. Few of us would enjoy being a slave in a nation where a tyrant controls every aspect our life. But it’s not just tyrants outside of ourselves we need to contend with, there are inner tyrants too. Many of us are slaves to our thoughts, feelings and desires. Our ego sits on the inner throne and commands our hearts and minds.

We hear the constant nagging voice of the ego in our heads. The ego makes demand after demand while constantly criticising us and bombarding us with negative thoughts. Sadly many of us identify with the ego and think the ego is who we are and we obey the ego without question. We believe the key to happiness is to satisfy all the egos demands. When we do satisfy the egos demands we get a brief period of peace, joy and tranquillity as the ego goes away for a nap. But just like a spoilt child it doesn’t last long before the ego wakes up with a new and longer list of demands.

When we put the welfare our others before our own we go against our ego. We directly challenge the egos rule. Each time we resist the egos demands we reduce the hold and power the ego has over us. Eventually we can dethrone the ego and our true selves can take their rightful place on the throne. When our true selves rule our inner world we become confident, joyful, content, secure, loving and free.

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