Common solutions to everyday problems

Common solutions to everyday problems

What is the solution to the problems of the post modern era?

We discussed last week how the postmodern era has brought about relentless changes to our lives and at such speed that it proves difficult to avoid a hurried state of mind. Some of the negative effects of the modern era are as follows: –

anxiety and stress
loneliness and isolation
stress related illness

In today’s era we seek to resolve these issues by turning to

addiction such as drugs, alcohol; activities such as sex, gambling, shopping, eating etc. Addictions distract the mind from pain and misery. With the addiction the mind engages and becomes preoccupied hence relieving for a moment the pain.
entertainment when you are feeling low you may switch on the television, use one of many gadgets to preoccupy yourself. However, the media only manipulates your emotions and fills your mind and with the ideas of the popular culture that will only fuel your misery.
consumerism you spend money and buy hoping that it will relieve of your pain and suffering.

What is the solution?

The solution is to develop inner resilience, balance and strength so that it can “roll out the punches and come up with creative solutions” when the going gets tough.

How do we develop this inner resilience and equanimity?

We simply meditate!

If we meditate 10 or 15 minutes every day we can change the hardwiring of our mind. Consistent practice means that the habitual responses and programming of our brain will slowly shift from anxiety, misery, scattered to a mind that experiences inner peace, harmony, equanimity and joy.

The best thing is that it is simple to practice and costs nothing.

Of course meditation does not mean that you will stop feeling emotions, pains, and suffering. It just means that you will feel all these but relevant only to the present moment. Therefore allowing you to live spontaneously and creatively in the here and now. When one lives absorbed and relaxed in the moment one does not fear the past or future but is calm, alert and absorbed with no time for anything irrelevant.

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