Checklist for Self Discipline

Checklist for Self Discipline

Strengthening our Self Discipline

Become aware that Self Discipline is a skill that needs nurturing and strengthening all the time.
Be aware that we all have self discipline but we tend to lack it in some areas and not in others. For example many of us tend to lack self discipline when it comes to looking after ourselves. There are things we know we should all do and yet we can’t do.

Why is it for example does our self discipline weaken when it comes to personal wellbeing: we know we should exercise, walk more, move more, eat healthy more, do MBF more, meditate yet our biological needs get the last priority and care.

Last week we looked at three qualities in us that we should be aware of that can stop us from strengthening our self discipline.

These are laziness, self indulgence and perfectionism. Be aware of regular comments like ?I feel tired today and will start tomorrow? or ?I will have a feast this week and start the diet next week? or ?when I get my career settled I will concentrate on exercises?.

Whenever we are falling short in our self discipline observe the following checklist.

1. Check your commitment
Are you motivated enough?
Are you setting your intentions clearly?
Are you making a clear agreement with yourself and following it through?
Are you using momentum for support?

2. Check your effort
Are you using your 100% energy?
Are you being earnest and applying effort with openness and receptiveness?
Are your efforts effortless?

3. Check our letting go
How accepting are you?
How controlling are you?
How open are you?
How much do you surrender your control?

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