
Knowing how many calories you need to consume each day is essential for losing, gaining, or maintaining weight. One way to determine this with a technique called the Harris-Benedict formula, which is one method used to estimate your basal metabolic rate (BMR). By definition, BMR is your rate of metabolism (the conversion of...

Namaste. I hope you are all well and happy! While I was away in Canterbury I used the opportunity to try out all the local classes whether they were Olympic Weightlifting, Yoga or African dance classes. The classes reminded me of something very important that in my experience most teachers...

There are other ways of activating autophagy without fasting and exercise. Here are some autophagy boosting foods. Sulforaphane induces autophagy through ERK activation in neuronal cells. Cruciferous vegetables and dark leafy greens like kale have sulforaphane. Azuki bean extract has been shown to reduce oxidative stress...

Here is a quick guide to how should yogic breathing be performed: The Best Position for Yogic Breathing To begin Yogic Breathing, we first need to stand in a suitable position. Our feet should be slightly apart, back straight, head erect and our arms hanging loosely by...

A new study shows that people who work in community gardens receive various health benefits that may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and can improve mental health. The randomized controlled trial involved 145 people who never gardened before and tracked...

Experienced yoga students know the value of breathwork and the myriad benefits we can obtain from the vast variety of breathing methods that have been discovered and developed over millennia. In this article by Ruth Nina Welsh for she focuses on how we can use...

As many of you know, I have been following the Longevity Diet for over 5 months now. I am documenting my fat loss journey on YouTube in my Dean's Diet Diary videos. In chapter 5 his book "The Longevity Diet", Dr Valter Longo outlines how...

The importance of having good posture is vastly underestimated by most of us. Exercises to correct and improve posture are frequently neglected. For motivation here are 12 benefits of having good posture. This post draws from an article written by Jenna Jonaitis for To read the original article...