Russell Brand, known for his sharp wit, flamboyant personality, and philosophical musings, has undergone a profound personal transformation over the years. Once infamous for his hedonistic lifestyle and struggles with addiction, Brand has since embraced sobriety, mindfulness, and a spiritual path. Central to his transformation...

Raja Yoga, often referred to as the "Royal Path," is a profound and ancient system of spiritual and mental discipline that guides practitioners toward self-realization and inner mastery. Rooted in the philosophical teachings of classical yoga, Raja Yoga encompasses a comprehensive framework for achieving harmony...

Happiness, a concept as elusive as it is sought after, has been a subject of human fascination for centuries. What is it that makes us happy, and can science unravel the secrets to a fulfilled and content life? In recent decades, researchers from various disciplines...

The film "Joker" is a vivid reminder that part of being human is a need or desire for connection. The author Johann Hari notes that for most of our history we have lived in tribes. When asked "where is your home?" a member of a tribe...