
A common concern about plant based diets is that they may lack sufficient protein. But we can all get protein from various plant sources. Here is a handy list I copied from Seitan: Seitan is a popular protein source for many vegetarians and vegans. Unlike many...

There are around 40 trillion bacteria in our body, most of which are found in our gut. Collectively, they are known as our gut microbiome, and they’re incredibly important for overall health. However, certain types of bacteria in our intestines can also contribute to many diseases. Many factors, including...

  I have been getting a few questions from my students and I thought this would be a good time to go into more depth on probiotics and their benefits. Having the right gut bacteria It's estimated that we have 39–300 trillion bacteria living inside us. Much of these bacteria...

In this post, we'll be looking closely at natural methods to reduce cholesterol. I have put headings on each sub-topic so you can skip to whichever bits you find interesting and relevant to you. The topics I will be covering are: Cholesterol Made simple Diet vs Statins My family's experience Diet...

Staying properly hydrated to live healthier, longer A recent study hypothesized that optimal hydration may contribute to healthy aging in humans. Researchers looked at levels of serum sodium in the body as an indicator of hydration. The findings show that higher levels of serum sodium during...

People often want to get more done in a day, but sometimes it’s hard to feel motivated to complete tasks. Several factors influence motivation, but there’s a lot about the physiology behind motivation that experts don’t completely understand. A​ recent study published in eLife found that levels of the antioxidant glutathione in...

Anti-Inflammatory Foods   Berries   Berries are small fruits that are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Dozens of varieties exist. Some of the most common ones include:   strawberries blueberries raspberries blackberries   Berries contain antioxidants called anthocyanins. These compounds have anti-inflammatory effects that may reduce your risk of disease. In one study including 25 adults, those...

Foods That Cause Inflammation   Sugar and high-fructose corn syrup   Table sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are the two main types of added sugar in the Western diet. One of the reasons that added sugars are harmful is that they can increase inflammation, which can lead...