Benefits of walking

Benefits of walking

Hi since January I have asked everyone to make a resolution to walk more.

Walking is natural, easy and does not cost anything.

Walking has many advantages, some of which are

reduces high blood pressure
reduces the chances of a stroke
reduces the chances of heart disease
reduces depression
helps you sleep better at night
reduces certain types of cancer i.e. colon and breast cancer
reduces chances of diabetes
strengthens bones and reduces chances of fall as you get older
helps with weight loss

How to walk?
For starters
Just use your legs!

How much to walk?
30 minutes in a day is recommended of brisk walking
building up 10,000 steps in a day takes means you will reap all the benefits of an active lifestyle

How to incorporate it
Walk in the morning, lunch time and evening help to break the walk time
take escalators, stairs, walk to bus stops and underground
leave the car at home and walk to local groceries and park

more to come on walking……………….

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