Are You Seeing The World As It Is?

Are You Seeing The World As It Is?

Are you seeing the world as it is?

Day by day as you practice yoga you begin to clear your senses including the mind in being able to experience as close as possible, Reality. When our eyes see, ears listen, body touches, nose smell, tongue tastes it can subjectively view what it THINKS it is seeing. You are perceiving here your own subjective concept of realism. Our perception of reality will therefore shape how we relate to the world. If in the past we have had a bad reaction to eating seafood our tummy may turn with the thought of having seafood again. This may cause us to stay away from seafood for life when in fact it could have simply been a bad chef that paid less attention to the hygiene of food preparation rather than the food itself. Perhaps you can think of many such examples?

With yoga practice we are sharpening our senses including our mind. We begin to evolve strong discriminatory powers and a strong sense of awareness and acquire the ability to see the building blocks of an experience. We can begin to distinguish smell, noise, taste, touch and are able to see the activities and influences of our mind. We therefore have a deeper and closer connection with Reality.

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