Choose your mantra

Choose your mantra

You have decided to give using a mantra a go. Now what?

Usually the following questions will spring to mind;

How to choose your mantra?

Can you make up your own mantra?

Can you have more than one mantra?

How to choose your mantra

Many experienced meditation teachers will recommend you choose a tried and tested mantra which has been long established. Traditionally mantras are considered to have not been invented but discovered by experienced practitioners in a deep state of meditation.

Here is a short list of mantra from various faiths (Contact Sefali if you want a comprehensive list and more details). Try repeating them a few times and see if you find one that really resonates with you. Even if you feel a bit clumsy repeating the mantra at first, don’t worry, it won’t take long before saying it feels completely natural .

Christian mantra

Ave Maria or Hail Mary

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us

Kyrie eleison  

Gospodi pomilui

Hindu mantra


Om Sri Ram jai Ram jai jai Ram

Om namah Shivaya

Om Bhavani

Jewish mantra

Barukh attah Adonai

Ribono shel olam

Muslim mantra

Allahu akbar


Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim

Buddhist mantra

Om mani padme hum

Namu Amidabutsu

Sikh mantra

Sat Nam

Wahe Guru

Can you make up your own mantra?

Some meditation teachers are sceptical about there being anything special or magical about the mantra you choose. The scientist Herbert Benson (see last post in this blog) found his subjects seemed to get the same benefits regardless of which words or phrase they chose as a mantra. It was the method behind how the mantra was used and applied which made the difference.

The French psychologist Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie introduced a popular method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion. He introduced the mantra  “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better” or “Day by day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” The daily repetition of this mantra came to be known as Couéism or the Coué method.

Sefali recommends using a mantra that is deeply meaningful to you in order to reap benefits in the long-term. Since you will be repeating the mantra for the rest of your life it’s probably best to pick one rich in meaning and purpose for you.

Can you have more than one mantra?

Ideally we want to fully embed our mantra into our consciousness through thousands of repetitions until it works without us having to think about it. Having several mantra is like digging several holes. Instead of having one deep hole we end end up with several shallow ones. It is generally best to stick to one mantra for this reason.

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