13 Jan Setting your goals
Continuing on from the last blog on four steps to success we now move on to setting goals. As with the last blog these are taken from Dr Harry Alders book on NLP.
The first step is to make a written list of all your goals, you can break them into long, medium and short term goals. Then ask the following questions of all the goals you have written;
Are your goals specific?
Are your goals within your personal control?
Have you got what it takes to fulfil your goals?
How will you know when you have achieved your goals?
Are your goals expressed positively?
Are your goals at the right level?
What else might be affected?
The more specific our goals are the easier it is for us to visualise them, motivate ourselves and make plans to achieve them. It is also important that achieving the goal is something under our control. There is not much you can do to control winning the lottery other then buying a ticket.
Check that you have the mental, physical or material resources necessary to achieve the goal. These could include time, money or youth for example. It also helps if there is a clear indication that you have achieved your goal such as a promotion, public ceremony, certificate etc.
Make sure your goal is expressed positively. “I will become slim” is much more effective then “I will stop being fat”. If you have a really big goal break it down into lots of smaller goals to make it more manageable. If your goals seem too small to motivate you then try and set bigger goals.
Finally make sure you consider the impact of pursing your goals will have on your environment. How will it affect friends and family for example. This may lead you to alter or postpone some of your goals.
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